2014 LINE FRESH 真心話分享最終回,登場的是... 永遠勇敢接受任何挑戰,不怕出糗全力以赴的Vincent!以及正在紐約攻讀Interactive Telecommunication的Michelle! 

▲ LINE FRESH 最後一天 ^ ^ 笑容好燦爛

☆ Vincent 

"LINE Taiwan實習真的超級Awesome! " -- Vincent.

很榮幸有這個機會來到LINE Taiwan實習,即使在距離當初面試的兩個多月後的現在,還能深深記得當初興奮害怕的每個面試環節以及接到錄取前的忐忑和當下的悸動,能進LINE Taiwan實習真的超級awesome!

這兩個月,參與了很多Marketing Campaign,了解到活動不管在事前事中或事後,許許多多大大小小的細節需要去注意,重要的是在這些規劃中想要傳遞給消費者的想法是甚麼,然後一定要給消費者最好最棒的體驗;在這些活動中,雖然不輕鬆但是也有許多的歡笑,都是我很難忘的回憶。



這兩個月,除了謝謝mentors外,也要感謝其他很多很多的正職們在這兩個月中的教導、協助以及永遠都這麼充滿快樂的辦公室氛圍,雖然很八股但還是要說:從你們之中不管是待人處事還是工作上,都學到了很多,也希望以後能有機會能回來與大家共事! 謝謝大家!  


☆ Michelle 
實習單位:Service Planning

“To sum up what I've learned after this internship: Question lots, learn fast, work smart, and laugh often! " -- Michelle.
If you asked me just a few months ago what I was going to do this summer I would've never imagined it'd be an internship at LINE. I knew LINE as the app that all my family used and what connected me with my family back in Taiwan. And now, two months later, what connected me to newfound friends, mentors...and addiction to stickers. 

In this internship I was put on to assist with multiple projects, big and small. I wasn't just a glorified paper-pusher, and I certainly wasn't fetching coffee for anybody other than myself. Juggling different projects at once gave me a real taste of what it was like to work at LINE. In meetings, we'd be asked about our opinions. People welcomed our input and didn't hesitate to involve us in almost every step of the way. And despite our apparent knowledge gap, everyone was patient about answering our questions. It's really true that the more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know. 

Aside from just the professional, work-related interactions, I value the kind of experiences people would share about their own lives. Whether it’s about their career paths or simple stories from the past, I was interested to know who these people are and not just what they’re capable of doing. I particularly loved their unassuming flair. Actions speak louder than words, and there was no need to boast about greatness. And this rang true from every person I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and learning from - from the most seasoned to the most fresh. And that’s what made this internship experience every bit a humbling one. 

Through this Fresh program the interns had each other through all the hard work, stress, and laughter. It wasn’t about competition but about collaboration and teamwork from day one. We treasured each other’s greatest strengths, and we helped each other where we fall short. Although it flew by quickly, the sense of camaraderie we shared is one of the most rewarding gifts I was blessed to walk away with..


【LINE FRESH】2014實習日誌發表 PART I 
【LINE FRESH】2014實習日誌發表 PART II 
【LINE FRESH】2014實習日誌發表 PART III 



8位同學中,有2位確認將通過再次面試,轉為正職繼續和我們一起打拼,讓LINE豐富更多人的生活 ;
3位必須回校園完成學業而成為part-time夥伴 ;
另外3位則因交換學生或是留學,得暫時和我們說good bye...

感謝每位LINE FRESH給我們的回饋,
下次的LINE FRESH 也許我們將會想出更不一樣的企劃!
